two long legs...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

First day...

in maternity pants. I know, I'm not THAT big yet, but I am just so uncomfortable in my regular pants, I had to do something! I'm also very excited to go shopping (maybe next weekend) and get more clothes that will be comfortable. These are a little big still, but so much better to be a little big than too tight! I've settled on allowing Tall Girl and their iffy fashion sense to outfit me during this time. It's too much of a hassle to order from the states and I'm fed up with the snootiness that I'm feeling from that country. So, I've decided and I'm happy with my decision!

Our midwife appointment is tonight. I'm very excited to hear the heartbeat again as it's such a reassuring sound. I've prepared a list of questions this time so I don't forget anything I've been wondering about. I'm also looking forward to her explaining to me exactly what baby movement feels like so that I know if I've had any. :) I keep thinking...'Was that something?' 'What about that?' Crazy girl. Crazy mom to be! :D


  • At 11:42 PM, Blogger Bonnie said…

    YAY! First day in maternity clothes - I hope you get some that you love and can feel good about yourself in the coming months. So exciting - can't believe I'm done that already!! If you find a couple great pairs of pants you can live with, then you can use different tops to have a bit more variety and ones you like.

    I had a lot of 'was that a movement' things and then finally I knew for sure it was a good ol' kick, so you'll know when it gets to that phase. But if it feels like something, then I'd celebrate it as something and take it as your baby saying an early hi! :)

    Ronan can't wait to meet his cousin! :) (not to mention meet his auntie and uncle...ha!)
    So happy to read your blog and see you're doing so well and 'becoming' the mother you are. xoxo AuntieB

  • At 9:36 AM, Blogger TL said…

    Thanks auntie B! I was starting to wonder if you'd forgotten about us! We're doing really well and starting to get really excited about baby coming. It's only 5 months left and while that is a long time, it feels like it will be here before I know it! I'll need your a list of things we'll need...and stuff like that. I'm starting to read more books in anticipation, but I still feel like I know nothing about this new adventure!
    Glad to hear that motherhood is so fun and challenging. I think I'm needing a new challenge in my life. I'm sure this will be sufficient! ;)
    Take care and we can hardly wait to meet baby Ronan!

  • At 1:29 PM, Blogger TL said…

    My bellie and I will be there! So good to hear from you, Heather! I'm also looking forward to New Years. It's just not fair that you all don't get together more than once a year. I totally understand why though!
    How are things in Yellowknife? Sure miss seeing you when we're in Regina.
    Thanks for the prayers and the excitement!


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